How To Protect Outdoor Extension Cord From Rain

How To Protect Outdoor Extension Cord From Rain? 6 DIY Method

Anyone who has owned an outside extension cord knows how susceptible they are to water. In reality, the cord might soon become wet and useless if it rains even a small amount. We’ll provide some advice on How To Protect your Outdoor Extension Cord From Rain? and We’ll also give some advice on what to do if your extension cord becomes wet and how can outdoor extension Cords be used in rain.

The Different Ways To Protect An Outdoor Extension Cord From Rain

Put your external extension cable inside while it’s raining; this is one of the most OK things you can do to preserve it from the elements. There are a couple more techniques to prevent water damage to your cable if that is not an option:

Hollowed-Out Ground

Use a hollowed-out ground block to keep an outside extension line from getting wet. One of the best ways to do this is to put your outdoor extension cable inside a hollowed-out ground block while it is still being used. Most hardware stores sell hollowed-out grounds, which are fantastic since they will keep your cord secure and dry even if there is a slight drizzle. Additionally, these blocks may be buried quickly and don’t require energy.

Hollowed-out dirt is ideal for shielding your outside extension line from the elements when it’s drizzling. Cut a gash in both ends of the block that is large enough to accommodate your cord to insert the cord inside the hollowed-out ground. This method could be your best option for protecting an extension cord that isn’t waterproof. When nothing else is effective.

Make Use Of Cling Wrap

Cling Wrap is an option to consider if you use an external extension cable and are looking for a reliable method to shield your connection from the effects of variable weather. In addition, cling wrap is a shared kitchen item that can be found in virtually all households, making it simple for anybody to acquire.

  • Plug in your extension cable after first securely wrapping a piece of cling wrap over the end of it.
  • You should wrap some cable around the plug to prevent water from getting in.

Doing this will keep rain from getting into the connection, which will keep you from getting an electric shock. One benefit of Cling Wrap is that it can be used with other protective measures to defend more robustly against the harmful effects of stormy weather.

Use Bottle Method

You’ll need an empty bottle to use this procedure. You’ll need a pair of razor-sharp scissors and a utility knife (or box cutter) to open the bottle. The following are these laws and rules:

  • To begin, you must first cut a hole in the bottle.
  • Cut a length in the center of the bottle about one-fourth of its diameter, starting with the bottle upside-down.
  • Then, cut a small circle out of each end of the slits with scissors. Through these holes, the cord is pulled. You could also make the holes bigger to fit a longer cable.
  • Put the extension cable into the bottle after that.
  • Put the cable’s two ends through the round holes and the plug through the large slit in the center.

Follow these three simple actions.

Use Bucket Method

You may utilize the bucket technique if you anticipate rain and don’t have time to prepare the tool for the DIY cover. This technique requires two buckets placed around the connector and a shovel.

  1. Take one bucket at first, and set it down on the floor. The connected part of the wires should be positioned above the first bucket with the opening towards the ground.
  2. To create a seal, grab the second bucket and position the opening so that it is towards the ground. A snug-fitting hole may surround the first bucket dug with a spade if the wind is a concern. Following the two previous stages, press the first bucket as deeply into the earth as necessary. However, it doesn’t hurt to be extra cautious. An actual weight would be plenty.

Wrap The Extension Cord In Tape

The use of this method effectively shields extension cables from moisture as well as other external influences. Good electrical tape will do the trick for taping down your extension wire. Please remember to tape down your extension cord. The rain is diverted in this way. Make sure the tape is securely attached by winding it many times.

In most cases, these electrical tapes come in black and are watertight. They won’t keep you from falling, however. They do an outstanding job of keeping the rain off of you.

Power Cord Protector

A rubber is needed for this method to work. Think about the inner tube of a bicycle as an example. From one end, cut it open. The next step is to put the cable through the tube. Cover as much of the tube as possible and slide it through. Electrical tape is highly recommended, but not required, to keep the inner tube from falling off the extension cord.

Use Pool Noodle

Strange, yet it works. Pool noodles are rod-shaped polymer swimming aids. You’ll need several pool noodles to cover a long extension cord.

  1. Get enough pool noodles to wrap your extension cable around.
  2. Cut the pool noodles in the second step to unfold like hotdog buns. Seal the cable with electrical tape after inserting it into the pool noodle.

As you can see, it’s easy to do.

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A Few More Pointers for Using Outdoor Extension Cords

  • You’ll need something to dry your extension cable with if you’ve attempted all these precautions and can’t prevent it from becoming wet. The wires should be left connected and kept in an excellent, dry location until they are scorched. Use towels or paper towels to get the water out of the cord if you don’t have access to a dry place.
  • If you’re unsure what to do if your outside extension cable gets wet, leave it hooked to an outlet so it can dry on its own. Make careful to take the necessary measures before using the cord again if it is moist inside. Doing so increases the danger of electrocution once you have unplugged it.
  • When your outside extension cord becomes wet from rain, use uncooked rice to help remove the water. Doing so will ensure that there is no moisture within that could cause harm later on.
  • It might be advisable to wait until the weather clears up (or until it’s dry) before using your outdoor extension cable if rain is in the forecast. Several more methods, such as hollowed-out ground or waterproof coverings, shield an outside extension cord from the rain. Whatever way you choose, make sure it doesn’t include electricity. It is crucial because using electrical equipment with wet cables might have catastrophic consequences since water transmits electricity.
  • You should dry an external extension cable thoroughly with towels or paper towels if it has already been wet. You must disassemble your cord and allow it to dry completely before reusing it if it is not waterproof or water-damage resistant.
  • Additionally, always avoid using wet electrical cords. You run the danger of starting an electrical fire if you do.


You can do a few things to protect your cord from the rain, even if outdoor electrical cords are not very water-resistant. You may do a few things to make your outdoor electrical cord live longer if it shorts out. Use an outside extension cord that is more moisture-resistant as your initial option. Buying a cord cover is another recommendation because it may also keep your extension cord dry. Plastic tubes, known as cord covers, are made specifically to fit your extension cord. They are reasonably priced, and the most remarkable thing is that they protect your cable from rain, snow, and dirt.

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